To our valued Health by Design Wellness family:
In challenging times such as these, we would like to inform you of our efforts to keep the community safe and well. Your health is and always will be our #1 priority. With the advent of coronavirus, we are taking the following precautions to maintain a clean environment for healing:
Sanitizing our tables frequently
Sanitizing frequently touched objects, such as door handles, armchairs, coat racks, etc.
Hand sanitizer readily available in common areas
Our entire team is washing our and sanitizing our hands with disinfectant soap and hot water regularly
Limiting our patient scheduling capacity, drastically decreasing or eliminating waiting room times
Switching to verbal sign-in at the front desk
Diffusing on guard and oregano oil in the common space, which kill viruses and bacteria
Please inform us immediately if:
You have been coughing, sneezing, or have flu-like symptoms
You have recently traveled to a foreign country
You have recently been hospitalized.
You will be asked to go home.
With that said, Chiropractic Care has been shown in several studies to improve immune function. By removing nervous system interference and increasing resistance, Chiropractic increases the body’s ability to fend off and recover from infection. Our patients are some of the healthiest in this community due to their commitment to Chiropractic Care. Our practitioners also provide supplementation protocols to boost immune function and keep your body’s defenses at their best.
Our Standard Process supplement line is an industry leader in formula transparency, bioavailability, and purity. As we understand the financial burden and risks associated with this outbreak, all immune supplements are on sale for 10% off until April 15, 2020. This sale excludes essential oils. We are committed to the well-being of our patients. We believe the health of our community begins with healthy individuals. We will continue to take necessary precautions, and follow local and national, and CDC safety guidelines. We also encourage our wellness family to maintain proactivity and to take positive action towards maintaining their health.
To prevent the virus, remember to:
Wash your hands with soap and hot water
Get regular chiropractic adjustments
Drink lots of water
Get plenty of sleep
Avoid touching your face, especially eyes & nose
Cover your cough by coughing into your elbow (inform us immediately)
Eat a balanced diet full of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables
Avoid processed sugars and refined carbohydrates which suppress the immune system
Stock up on our immune bundles to fend off infection
Office hours:
In order to accommodate our community and provide resources, we will maintain normal office hours for as long as possible. Normal cancellation policies will remain in place. If you are unable to make your appointment due to the above-listed symptoms or you are at high risk, we understand and ask that you kindly give the office 24-hour notice. We in no way want to put anyone at unnecessary risk but also realize that our services and products are useful for prevention and many of our families will want to come in before a potential quarantine situation.
**Please help your fellow neighbors get the supplies that they need. Coordinate with friends and families for supplement pickups and deliveries. We can also have products drop-shipped to your home if you are unable to come into the office.**
Additional Note:
Please stay tuned via email and social media. We will post any updates as soon as they become available to us. Please make sure to stock up on your supplements to prevent a disruption to your program. It is more important than ever that you stay on your designed nutrition program to protect yourselves. We also recommend that you stock up on non-perishable food items such as protein shakes, beans, lentils, quinoa, wild grain rice. Stock your freezers with meats and vegetables. Preparing bone broths or soups and stews that can be frozen is a great source of nutrition.
We’re all in this together. Please stay safe and stay sane. We will continue to advise as this thing progresses. We are praying for peace and health over you, your family, our community, our country and the world. Fear nothing, Psalm 91
Dr. Kristy Harvell and team