COVID Update and
Waiting Room Policy
Here is how Health by Design is keeping you safe...
Health by Design has implemented many safeguards to help keep you safe during the pandemic seaon we are living through. As a patient or future patient of Health by Design, you should be aware of the following before your next visit.
We ask that if you have symptoms of COVID (fever, cough, sore throat) or have had contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID in the last 2 weeks, please contact us to rechedule your appointment.
If you prefer to wear mask during your visit, you may do so. Your treating practitioner and Patient Advocate will also wear a mask upon request. Please request this upon arrival so that the staff may be given time to accommodate your request.
We are diffusing essential oils into the office air that have disinfectant benefits.
We have several salt lamps located throughout the office that are on. Salt lamps also disinfect the air.
All surfaces touched by a patient are disinfected after use in the medical exam rooms.
All practitioners wash their hands in between patients.
Each day, the surfaces in the lobby and common areas (restrooms, check in and check out counter, BEMER and medical offices) are sprayed with disinfectant.
Waiting Room Policy
Waiting Room Policy
While we are a child friendly facility & greatly enjoy caring for our pediatric population, please observe the following for your child’s safety.
Out of respect and comfort for other patients, we ask that if you bring your children, please keep an eye on them. In the waiting room, children are still under the parent’s responsibility and we are not liable for any accidents.
Children should always be accompanied by a parent/guardian or assigned caregiver.
Please do not stand on the salt lamps.
No jumping or running in the office.
Cell Phones
If you need to take a phone call, please step outside. Please be respectful of the other patients and keep the ringer volume low or on vibrate.
Please do not use your cell phones while in the treatment rooms or during scheduled office visit time to ensure timeliness and to limit distractions to practitioners.
Diaper Changes
In the event of a child needing a diaper change, out of courtesy for the other patients, we ask you to change the diaper in our bathroom. However, the diaper may not be disposed of in our office. We will supply a plastic bag, if needed.
Fire Drill / Alarm
In the case of a fire drill, we will alert the patients to the fact that there will be a fire drill. However, whether it is a drill or a real alarm, we will do the following: the receptionist or PA will direct you towards the front office door where we will meet at the building sign. We will stay in this area until otherwise told it is safe or until the alarm stops.
If you have any questions or concerns about the policies above, please call the office directly to express your concerns or questions.