CellCore Biosciences promotes the body’s natural ability to detox through the utilization of Carbon Technology. Mitochondria “turn on” and signal for every organ to work and function. They play a massive role not just in your energy levels, but your ability to detoxify, digest food, eliminate, fight illness and pathogens, heal and repair, remember information, etc. If the mitochondria are damaged, your entire body is impacted. This is why our approach at CellCore Biosciences is built on this premise: First support the mitochondria, then promote the body’s natural detoxification processes and the removal of stressors.
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Facilitating Movement
"At the root of health imbalances is lack of movement with charged particles. If you can supply energy to the body that moves these charged particles, such as from humic and fulvic acids, you can make great progress with detoxification and health — and that’s why at CellCore Biosciences we see the incredible results we do."
— Tim Griswold, Lead Scientist

Charged Particles
Charged particles, including electrons, hydrogen ions (protons), and oxygen, are the underlying drivers of all cellular and system processes. While co-factors from foods (such as vitamins) support mitochondrial function, charged particles are the true backbone of the mitochondria. They carry the electric charges that create reactions for mitochondria to “turn on” and function, which is the basis of life.